Signature Acts

All of the signature acts of Sweetie Blue

Sexy Pikachu

The most popular of Sweetie Blue’s acts is the pikachu! Did you know female pikachus have a heart tipped tail? This act is a testament to the attention to detail Sweetie Blue has in her cosplay


Pip Girl -

A Fallout tribute with a Pip Girl at the centre. 
For those super nerds out there Sweetie Blue leaves some Easter eggs from the first two original games.



Red Riding Hood

Sweetie Blue Just loves Fairy Tales! The perfect tribute to Red Riding Hood but with a dark and comical twist!
This act also has cookies! That’s right, Sweetie Blue brings cookies to hand out!
Come to the Dark Side – We have cookies!


Spring Poison Ivy

The Spring version of Poison Ivy! Performed to The Coasters ‘Poison Ivy’ This little number is short and sweet and just a little bit spicy.

It’s a perfect number for Spring themed events and parties!

Autumn Poison Ivy

Did you know that Sweetie Blue has a Poison Ivy act for each of the four seasons?

Autumn is no exception, in this act she even brings along her leaf blower!

There are power outlet requirements for this act.


Queen Boo

A tribute to the Mario Princess that never was: Booette! 
This act has both spooky and comical elements. But what ever you do don’t look away!

Droids For Sale

There once was a Jawa from Hoth,
Where it was too cold to take clothes off,
She moved to tatooine,
Where her body could be seen,
And now all of her clothes fall off!

Xmas Red Riding Hood

Jingle bells, Batman smells,
Robin laid an egg,
The wolf was killed,
Cookie bags bags were filled!!
And riding hood’s clothes fall away! Hey!




Classic Poison Ivy

A Classic version of Poison Ivy with a classic burlesque dance routine! 

Poison Ivy is the epitome of a sexy and alluring comic villain. So it’s fitting this act be seductive and sexy.

Poison Freezy

Is she the love child of Mr Freeze and Poison Ivy? Is she Frozen Ivy, or is she Poison Freezy?!

Either way she’s captured Batman and is trying to use her powers of seduction to defeat him!

Can Batman avoid getting a bat signal?

Cosplay Burlesque / cosplay gogo Dancing

Sweetie Blue Always Has New Acts!

As a performer that only does Nerdlesque, Sweetie Blue always has new nerdy acts in the making! 

Be sure to check back to see the latest acts Sweetie Blue has put together! Some Acts in the pipes include a Jurassic Park T-Rex, Harry Potter (Luna Lovegood), several Pokemon acts, Bat Girl, Cat Woman, LSP and BMO from Adventure time, Gender bent Inuyasha and many others!

If you have something in particular in mind such as a particular fandom etc. feel free to ask if Sweetie Blue has an act that would fit your needs.

Sweetie Blue also offers GoGo dancing at events and has many costumes to choose from to fit the theme of any event.  She has performed as a GoGo dancer for Iconyx Entertainment and Fruit Loop.

If you’d like to join Sweetie Blue with your own Nerdlesque act, or hire her or The Booth Babes feel free to get in touch with us!

FAQ for hiring Sweetie Blue

Absolutely! Whether you’re hiring Sweetie Blue as a solo performer or if you’d like to bring in The Booth Babes as a full event, you absolutely can choose which signature acts you’d like to have. 

There is a $100 base fee for hiring Sweetie Blue, and then the additional fee for the act itself.

Typically the rates for Sweetie Blue are between $100 and $200 depending on the act and type of event.

Prices vary because props and items can require additional staff, for example ‘Droids For Sale’ requires two droid operators. 

Additionally the base fee is to cover the cost of having a stage kitten / handler. Base fees are due at the time of Booking and are non-refundable.

A suitable ‘green room’. This is a private and safe place for the performer(s) to get ready. This is non-negotiable. 

A suitable sound system and / or DJ as burlesque is a dance medium that requires music. In addition there must be a way for the selected music of the performer(s) to be played on the sound system. 

Adequate stage or performing area. Burlesque as a form of dance requires space to perform. 


When you hire Sweetie Blue for a private event she is there in a professional performance capacity only. 

There is no nudity or physical interaction with the performer(s).

Burlesque performers do not perform lap dances and physical interaction or harassment will not be tolerated. 

Unfortunately Sweetie Blue does not lend out prop or costume pieces for events. 

Many of the items are all hand made by Sweetie Blue and as such they are one of a kind and sized specifically for Sweetie Blue. 

The Booth Babes is a Nerdlesque event produced by Sweetie Blue featuring a minimum of three different performers with at least 6 different acts and 2 gogo dances. 

Booth Babe Events are full shows that come with all the fixings, hosts, stage kittens etc.

Hiring just Sweetie Blue as a solo act is usually for already existing events such as having her as a guest performer for an already existing troupe or event. 


We like to ask that you tag the performers and / or The Booth Babes or the venue in your post. 

But you absolutely can film, photograph and share the performances. 

Nerdlesque is a genre of Burlesque. So while there still is the glamour and beauty of the burlesque dance medium, Nerdlesque focuses on things that are nerdy!

Sweetie Blue has been a cosplayer and nerd for many years, and as such she turns her cosplays into burlesque. Some of these acts can be glamorous, or comedic. 

Ultimately Nerdlesque is made by nerds for nerds! It features anime, video games, movies, fantasy, sci-fi, etc. Basically any fandom that you’d expect to see at a comicon is appropriate for Nerdlesque!

Testimonials for Sweetie Blue

“Sweetie Boo….errr….we mean BLUE, seduced us as the sensual spectre from our Mario dreams on October 23rd.
Naughty Nerdery is one of our favourite things!!”
Show Us Your Noobies
“I loved your incorporating the mask reveal. It was playful and fun, Thanks for sharing your joy of performing!
The wolf is a great use of props and loved the fact that the wolf lip-synced - A great number!”
“So cute, and I love your smile!
You have great concepts and are very creative
I love your use of props, truly so fun, and you brought the audience in well.
Truly a Sweetie!”
Ms. Luna LaPearl

Nerdlesque and GoGo dancing!

Add some extra fun cosplay, Nerdlesque or GoGo dancing to your event or venue today.

Or join us on stage with your own nerdy performances!