Join Us On Stage!

We absolutely love nerdy burlesque, so If you have a Nerdlesque act and would like to join in the nerdy celebration at one of our events please get in touch!

We keep all information submitted confidential. 

Performer Application

Use the form here to apply for one of our events!

All we need is a few details from you (all of which is kept confidential) to be considered for one of our Nerdlesque events.

If you’re new to the burlesque scene and are a bit intimidated by the form we are here to help and have broken it down for you:

Your Name: We do need your legal name for payment purposes.

Your Email: We need to reach you about your application.

Stage Name: This is your performer name and we will use this name for promotion, performance, and back stage. (We know that it’s important to have anonymity with burlesque.)

Act Name: Nothing too fancy, just something you’d like to refer to your act as.

Music Used: Even if your music is a custom mix of several songs we need to know so that we don’t have duplicate songs or if there is profanity in the music etc.

Act Description: Again we don’t need anything too fancy, just a description of the character you are portraying if it’s cosplay, you can include things like the feel of the act (bubbly, dark, elegant etc). You can also include the props you may have, dance moves, clothing removal order etc. This should be a couple of sentences if this is a new, and not fully worked out act yet. Or you can get detailed if your act is well rehearsed.

Clothing Collected By Kittens: We like to keep track of costume pieces of each performer so nothing gets lost. If you aren’t sure, just send us your best guess. 

Additional Info: You can ask us questions, you can put in your experience level, you can include a bio. If there is additional things about your act you can also write that here!

For further enquires you can head over to the contact page as well. 

    Location: Edmonton Alberta, Canada

    Response Time: Please allow one to two business days for us to get back to you

    Phone: 780 953 4243



    FAQ for hiring The Booth Babes

    We got you!

    We welcome everyone to take the stage, and for those that don’t want the use of the term ‘Babe’ we use Booth Boo, and Booth Bae. 

    We will ask your preferred pronouns and how you’d like to be represented on promotion material.

    The basic format for a Booth Babe Burlesque event is as follows:

    Introduction done by a host or hosts.

    A minimum of 3 different acts with a different performer for each act.

    The host(s) will introduce each act, and a stage kitten will collect garments, props etc.

    One Go Go dance with all of the performers on stage or roving amongst the audience.

    One 10 – 15 minute intermission 

    A welcome back from hosts

    3 new acts by either 3 new performers or by the performers in the first half.

    A final good bye from the hosts, followed by a last Go Go dance with the performers of the second half.

    Payment is done through etransfer.

    We will ask for the appropriate info for that and it will be kept confidential. 

    We will also be sending out an invoice for you to fill out for our tax purposes. This must be completed before we can pay you. 

    Payment is within 7 business days, but is usually paid out within 2 business days. 

    Performers are entitled to ONE comp ticket. 

    This is because the sales of tickets goes straight to the performers. We want everyone to make money at these events.

    However, we understand that having a person to help carry things, or make you feel safe is important so you can bring a friend for free. 



    Ticket sales are divided between the performers, the kittens, and the hosts. Booth Babe Burlesque also takes one share (to cover promotional costs for social media, flyers etc).

    Tips are divided evenly. They go to hosts, kittens, performers. 

    We have a tap machine to collect tips, and we have the kitten(s) go round to collect tips. You can also collect tips as well personally, but we ask that tips you personally collect go into the proverbial hat.

    We should all support one another so we like tips and ticket sales to be fair and evenly divided by everyone. 

    If you are feeling unsafe or uncomfortable please let any of the producers (Sweetie Blue, Blue Siren or Blue Belle) know right away. We will introduce ourselves backstage so you know who to approach for any issues you might be having.

    We do not tolerate harassment or bullying from other performers or from patrons. Burlesque is a joyful dance medium and we want everyone to feel safe and comfortable. 

    We have a safe spaces policy for you to read and sign as well. 

    If you have an issue please let us know. Even if you might feel its minor, or silly, we can’t improve everyone’s enjoyment of our events if we aren’t told about issues that have come up. 

    Further, we don’t want anyone to feel like they have to perform if there is an issue. If, for whatever reason, you can’t perform please let us know asap. Sweetie Blue is prepared with an extra costume should she have to perform in another performer’s place. We take safety over showtime, and we will make appropriate arrangements if you can no longer take the stage. 

    Yes there will be video and a photographer present. 

    We will ask you in advance if you are okay with us sharing footage we have taken of your performances on social media. 

    We cannot control audience members taking video and pictures, so as a general rule audience members are allowed to take pictures etc.  Guest photos and /or video is something we feasibly cannot police so you must be comfortable with them making recordings etc. 

    We will provide you with the material we capture on film or video, but it is up to you if you want that material we have captured to be on social media.

    Yes your act must be Nerdlesque in some way. We are a troupe that is specifically for nerdy burlesque. 

    Nerdlesque is a genre of Burlesque. So while there still is the glamour and beauty of the burlesque dance medium, Nerdlesque focuses on things that are nerdy!

    Ultimately Nerdlesque is made by nerds for nerds! It features anime, video games, movies, fantasy, sci-fi, etc. Basically any fandom that you’d expect to see at a comicon is appropriate for Nerdlesque!

    Join Us On Stage!

    We are always thrilled to showcase nerdy acts!

    Are you new to Nerdlesque or Burlesque? We are here to help, feel free to get in touch with us about an act you may be working on. We can definitely help nerdify an existing or new act!

    Reach out today – we don’t bite!